04 Oct

Introduction to Science Policy Event

Introduction to Science Policy
Thursday, Oct. 11 | 12 – 1 PM | Johnson Rooms, Lurie Engineering Center
GradSWE and MESWN are inviting students to attend Introduction to Science Policy panel featuring Dr. Joy Rohde (associate professor of Ford school of public policy at UM), Kristina Ko (Senior Director of Federal Relations for Research), and Rachel Kirpes (PhD candidate at the department of Chemistry at University of Michigan). the panel will be focused on introducing science and public policy, its impact on graduate student’s daily life, research, and funding, career paths in science and public policy and introducing more resources. Questions are highly welcome. Lunch will be provided. RSVP is required.

Contact: Maryam Akram at akramrym@umich.edu

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/238202283709321/

02 Oct

[SHORT DEADLINE] MI seeking volunteers for rewriting K-12 social studies standards – Apply by Wednesday 10/3 at NOON

The state of Michigan is seeking volunteers to help in rewriting the K-12 Social Studies standards. The current standards diminish several important historical events including the civil rights movement and delete mentions of climate change altogether. The state Department of Education is looking for about 100 volunteers to help review public comments and revise the proposed standards accordingly, but they have proposed an extremely tight turnaround: The call went out yesterday (10/1) and applications are due TOMORROW (10/3) by noon. They are looking in part for researchers and education experts, which includes many of us in the MUSE network.

Here is an article about these proposed changes and positions sought:


And the application form is here: https://fs28.formsite.com/pf98Hd/form13/index.html

02 Oct

5th annual Duck Family Graduate Workshop on Environmental Politics and Governance

5th annual Duck Family Graduate Workshop on Environmental Politics and Governance
Center for Environmental Politics
University of Washington, Seattle
May 15-17, 2019

On May 15-17, 2019, UW’s Center for Environmental Politics will organize the
5th annual Duck Family Graduate Workshop for doctoral students working in the area of environmental politics and governance (EPG). This follows on the highly successful workshop that the Center hosted in previous years:

The EPG Grad workshop provides a venue for doctoral students to present their
work, receive feedback, and network with others working on similar issues. We
will invite select faculty from the University of Washington to serve as
resource persons.



Why the workshop? Understanding the governance and political aspects of
environmental issues is critical for addressing the gamut of environmental
challenges. The politics of governance perhaps has become an even more critical
factor in the changed political milieu. The multi-disciplinary nature of EPG
research often makes it hard to share ideas, concepts, and research methods
across relevant disciplines. We hope the annual Duck Family Graduate Workshop
will help overcome these barriers and provide a multi-disciplinary venue for
doctoral students to become active participants in the community of EPG



There are no workshop fees and the Center will pay for local expenses, namely
each participant’s food and shared hotel lodging (with two participants per
room) for three nights, May 15, 16, and 17.

Participants are responsible for travel expenses.


Application Logistics:

This workshop will be most useful for doctoral students who have made
substantial progress in their graduate studies: that is, they are able to
present a fully developed paper. Applicants need to submit:

– an abstract (about 800 – 1,000 words) of a paper to be emailed to Hanjie Wang

– a letter of support from their graduate advisor to be emailed to Hanjie Wang

The deadline for submission is February 15, 2019.



-February 15-27, 2019: Center faculty evaluate the proposals.

-March 1, 2019: Participants are formally invited.

-May 5, 2019: Participants email their papers to Hanjie Wang

-Wednesday, May 15, 2019: Participants arrive; a plenary session in the
Walker-Ames Room, Kane Hall,
Welcome dinner.

-Thursday, May 16, 2019: Full day Workshop in the Petersen Room (Allen Library,
University of Washington, Seattle) followed by dinner

-Friday, May 17, 2019: Full day Workshop in the Petersen Room (Allen Library,
University of Washington, Seattle) followed by dinner

-Saturday, May 18, 2019: Departure.

The Center for Environmental Politics is excited to organize this unique event
focused on furthering graduate training and education. Should you have any
questions, feel free to email Aseem Prakash; aseem@uw.edu.

02 Oct

Two Guides for Remote Sensing Tools for Social Scientists

The NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) just released a useful guide to tools that facilitate the use of remote sensing data in social science research. It comes with a couple of thematic examples that are useful illustrations of the sorts of things you can do. Pretty useful!


28 Sep

Recent opportunities related to environment and climate

A great newsletter of climate related jobs is run by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. See below for some recent openings: The list is titled “Climate Change Job Vacancies Update” and you can sign up for the newsletter if interested (note you’ll have to pick it out of the list by unchecking the other newsletters/updates-, or sign up for other updates if you like!).
Sign up link:http://enb.iisd.org/email/subscribe/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2018-09-26%20-%20CCJV%20Update%20AE&utm_content=2018-09-26%20-%20CCJV%20Update%20AE+CID_22da2dd7287e84111de3c86af81847c8&utm_source=cm&utm_term=IISD%20Community

Some recent openings from the newsletter:

Researcher (Applied Economics Clinic)

Research Assistant / Internship Program (Applied Economics Clinic)

Energy – Policy Consultant, Home-Based (International Institute for Sustainable Development)

Project Manager Energy Transitions (Agora Energiewende)

Associate Fellow Science-Policy Interface (Center for Climate and Resilience Research)

Call for applications: (CR)2 Associate Fellow (Science-Policy Interface, with focus on climate change policy in Latin America)

Associate Fellow Science-Coastal Oceanography (Center for Climate and Resilience Research)

Call for applications: (CR)2 Associate Fellow (Coastal Oceanography focused on air-sea interactions along the Chilean coast)

Senior Editor, Environmental Science and Sustainability (Elsevier)

27 Sep

TONIGHT – public meeting presenting Ann Arbor Sustainability and Innovations Plan

Ann Arbor MUSErs – The city of Ann Arbor is having a public meeting TONIGHT (9/27) at 7pm at City Hall to present the work plan for the new Office of Sustainability and Innovations, headed by UM doctoral alumna Missy Stults: https://bit.ly/2R3mTT1 This is a great opportunity to learn about what kind of sustainability and resilience actions may be happening in our city, and to show support for them.

08 Sep

Opportunity to join an interdisciplinary sustainability project at U-M!

Hi all, I’m posting to share an international development/sustainability project at U-M that is looking to recruit new collaborators for this year. The interdisciplinary nature of our project and our team is very much in keeping with the MUSE Initiative’s emphasis on fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, so this is an opportunity to get involved in an already existing sustainability project!

The Sustainability Without Borders China team is an interdisciplinary student-run research team working with a local pig farmer in China to: 1) implement new, cost-effective waste management systems and 2) collect survey data on local community members’ perceptions and attitudes toward pig farming.

Last year our team received a $5000 Dow Distinguished seed grant for our interdisciplinary work, and current team members include grad students from SEAS, Engineering, and Psychology. Each year several team members are funded to travel to China and do on-site work with our local partner.

Anyone who has a background or interest in waste management solutions & research is welcome, and we welcome both undergraduate and graduate team members! We are particularly looking for team members who have Chinese language experience, but this is a bonus NOT a must!

Please contact jdliao@umich.edu and lixiliu@umich.edu if you’re interested or to ask us any questions!

08 Aug

The Origins of the Concept of “Wicked Problems”

I recently came across the first article to coin the phrase, “wicked problem.” It’s quite a short, engaging, and well-written piece, and worth the read for anyone working on the social side of sustainability and the environment.

The citation is: Rittel, Hortst W. J. and Melvin M. Webber, “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning”, Policy Sciences 4 (1973)

Here is a link to the article: https://archive.epa.gov/reg3esd1/data/web/pdf/rittel%2bwebber%2bdilemmas%2bgeneral_theory_of_planning.pdf